Sunday, June 14, 2015

Kid Crop 2015

Kids:  Here are some pictures of kids born this spring (2015).  I try to get solo shots of the kids, but that is not easy.  They all want to stay in a group.  Most of my kids are spoken for already, but if you need a purebred buck I have two for sale.

Busy Springtime

Just so much to do in the springtime.  Garden is in and growing but needing some rain.  Kids are here.  All doing good. Got my camera out the other day to just take goat pictures. 
At first all the goats want to do is attack me because they think it is feeding time.  Then they search my pockets for treats.  I wait until they realize no food. 
My new buck saying hello, I think the young people call this a selfie.  But really he was just curious about my camera.

Doe kid from Mineva/Maz that I am keeping here this year.  She is named Gracie by my grand-daughter.