Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow this morning!!!

Can't believe how fast time is going and how long it has been since I have posted on my blog.  Hope everyone had a great Christmas.  We really had a lot of fun with the grandchildren this year. 

I had to get my camera out this morning with all the beautiful snow on the ground.  I close my goats and Cora Bell up in the barn at night now that it is cold.  Cora Bell likes sleeping with the girls.  She comes right in the barn when it time for me to close the doors.  As soon as I get to the barn of the mornings, I let her out.

Do you see Cora Bell in the snow?  She is the dot almost in the center of the picture.  Every morning she goes all around the pasture checking things out before she eats her breakfast.  Usually barks a few times to let everyone know she is back to work.


Of course the girls will not go out in the snow. All they want is a little attention from me and their breakfast.  They are such amazing animals.  Just look at those adorable faces.  From right to left is Lahaina, Rosie, Isley and Maisie.  I think that is the top of Tia's head.  Tia is investigating the camera.